NanoCeram® Water Filter P2.5 - 10-AG Pleated Paper Water Filter
Made in the USA by Buy 3 and get 10% off! Use This Code, YAX26V2K8DQ9 NanoCeram® Nanofilters, Nanofiltration, by Argonide Corp (USA). The NanoCeram® pleated nanofiltration filters are specialy made electropositively charged nanofilters featuring nano-sized activated alumina particles bonded onto a glass fiber matrix to filter out: Reduces Sub-micron particulates...
Made in the USA by
Buy 3 and get 10% off! Use This Code, YAX26V2K8DQ9
NanoCeram® Nanofilters, Nanofiltration, by Argonide Corp (USA).
The NanoCeram® pleated nanofiltration filters are specialy made electropositively charged nanofilters featuring nano-sized activated alumina particles bonded onto a glass fiber matrix to filter out:
- Reduces Sub-micron particulates (0.2-1 micron)
- Reduces Turbidity
- Reduces Rust particles
- Reduces Iron bacteria,
- Reduces Colloidal silica
- Reduce Microorganisms
- Reduce Drugs
- Reduce Pesticides
- Reduces Lead
The price shown is for one of the P2.5-10 AG pleated paper filter. This filter should be good for about 20,000 gallons if a 1 micron pre-filter is used before it.
Buy 3 and get 10% off! Use This Code, YAX26V2K8DQ9